Tire Defects in DC Truck Accident Cases
There are about 10,000 tire related automobile crashes a year involving trucks. Tires on commercial trucks have to be inspected frequently, and if they are not, then the vehicle cannot stop and cause a severe collision. The trucker and the trucking company can be held liable for damages. A trucking company cannot claim the defective tires is the main cause of the crash. That is not a defense for the truck driver. There is liability on the part of the truck driver and the trucking company for failing to keep proper maintenance on the truck.
If you were injured in a collision, you should seek legal help from Roger Gelb as soon as possible. A diligent truck accident attorney could investigate the crash and help you hold the negligent party accountable for damages.
Truck Maintenance Regulations
The maintenance of trucks that travel Interstate are regulated by the federal government and by local governments, as well. These vehicles have to pass inspection. They have to make sure the tires are checked and are inflated correctly. If their tires are bad, then they could certainly be involved with causing an accident or be part of the reason there is an accident in the first place.
How Dangerous Are Exploding Tires?
The damages that can be caused by a commercial truck with tires exploding are unlimited. The damage that a crash can cause depends on how many vehicles they run into and how many people they injure. Trucks are so large, and they could have cargo that is flammable that causes really serious, horrific injuries and death.
The damages that can be caused by a truck driving around with defective tires or tires that are poorly maintained is an infinite number of possibilities and risks to other travelers on the roadway including pedestrians, and bicyclists.
Who is Responsible for Inspecting Tires?
There are regulations that require truck drivers to inspect their tires periodically over a certain amount of time and miles. Those regulations fluctuate from state to state.
Truckers have to check and inspect their tires to make sure they are okay. Tires have to be changed after a certain number of miles. These are all regulations of the trucking companies and truck drivers that go through extensive training to get their commercial trucking license. Truck drivers are well aware of what needs to be done and how often. When a trucker fails to inspect their vehicles or their tires periodically as they are required to, they could be held responsible for damages.
What Hazardous Tire Conditions Do Regulations Mandate Against?
Tires have been punctured, or bruised, or have been impacted by hazards on the road when roads are not maintained need to be changed. Nails, glass, or even damaged potholes that have caused stress on the tire. Those are the types of damages to tires that are regulated. It is extremely important for trucks to have good tires because it is a safety risk for everybody on the road if they are not maintained.
Let a Truck Accident Attorney Help Your Case
Tires on trucks need to be inspected, maintained, and replaced on a regular basis. Maintained, meaning not only do they have to be repaired when there is a problem but making sure the tires are properly inflated. If the tires are under-inflated or overinflated, that can also be a risk to the other vehicles on the road. Schedule a consultation with Roger Gelb to learn about tire defects in DC truck accident cases.