Truck Accident Causes in DC
There are countless truck accident causes in DC. Understanding the causes of these accidents is crucial because of the severity that typically ensues. The weight difference is already monumental when a semi-truck collides with any other vehicle, whether a sedan, coupe, pick-up, motorcycle, or pedestrian. A fully loaded semi-truck is 25,000 pounds on the high end. This is compared to a car that weighs, on average, 4,000 pounds. However, a car has safety technology such as airbags, seatbelts, and steel. What if the victim is on a scooter or is a pedestrian? The consequences of such a tortious act may be broken bones or fatalities. So, how can you avoid a DC truck accident? The first step is to prevent the common causes of truck accidents.
Below, our DC truck accident lawyers will explore the most common truck accident causes in DC. Understanding the complex nature of how these accidents happen serves as action to best prevent these devastating losses from occurring in the future. Washington, D.C., is known for its picturesque views, political importance on the world stage, and, to those who live in the region, its dense traffic. Navigating traffic for semi-trucks is difficult. Many truck drivers operate on schedules. Whether they are delivery trucks or garbage trucks, these truckers typically are on the clock and have a job to do.
Human Errors
Human errors are the basis of almost all negligence actions related to truck accidents in DC. When a truck driver makes a mistake, that mistake must be a deviation from the standard of care owed by that driver. As a truck driver, the duty owed is not that of an average truck driver in good standing. That is typically the duty of a professional. However, truckers share the road with other drivers. Whether you are 16 and just got your license or are 75 and have been driving for 59 years, the duty owed to other drivers is the same. You must behave as a reasonably prudent person would in like circumstances.
Failure to do so is a legal breach of duty. If we prove that the breach of duty is causally related to the damages you suffer, you may have a viable negligence claim based on human errors.
Driver Fatigue
Driver fatigue is the very cause that federal regulations seek to avoid. This is not just a rule in Washington, D.C.; it applies in every jurisdiction. Legislators understand the risk of driver fatigue and aggressively combat it. Unfortunately, it is sometimes an insurmountable issue. We are in between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, we demand more and faster deliveries every year. For example, Amazon is known for lighting fast deliveries many times on the same day. How does this happen? Companies push drivers and incentivize them to make as many deliveries as possible as quickly as possible. This is juxtapositioned with federal regulations that do not want truckers overworked because legislators know the risk.
Despite strict regulation, driver fatigue remains among the common truck accident causes in DC. When a driver is fatigued, his reaction time may be slower. Think about when you are on the road. The number of hazards you instinctively avoid without thinking twice about might surprise you. There may be something on the road you have to avoid. The car in front of you might have stopped suddenly, necessitating your stoppage. Now consider everything you do in a car is more difficult in a semi-truck. For example, it requires more time and space for a heavy truck to come to a complete stop than it does a motorcycle or smaller car.

Distraction can strike at any moment. A disciplined truck driver must remain focused despite spending hours daily on the road. While some distractions are frowned upon, some are less so. For example, a truck driver who has never been to downtown Washington, D.C., might be awe-struck by the monuments and memorials. While understandable, it still causes a distraction. Other distractions are more conscious and frowned upon than scenic views. For example, if a driver is texting and driving, it is estimated that you take your eyes off the road and onto your screen for five seconds when sending or reading a text. A lot can happen in five seconds. During that time, a car might cut in front of you trying to beat a line of traffic.
While the truck driver may be driving at a reasonable speed and staying in his lane, a jury may find him negligent for failing to account for the car cutting in front of him. While you may argue that the other driver was contributorily negligent, this will ultimately depend on how long you had to stop. In addition to eyewitnesses, where you strike the car in front of you will indicate who is at fault to the jury.
Drunk Driving
While less so than it once was, drunk driving is among the common truck accident causes in DC. By now, everyone knows the risks of drunk driving. And it is far easier to avoid drunk driving now than ever before. Not to excuse the immorality of texting and driving, but some people at least need a phone for navigation. Thus, they may be unable to lock their phone away. But with alcohol, there truly is no excuse to drink and drive. Yet, every year, there are several drunk-driving truck accidents in DC.
Mechanical Failures
It should come as no surprise that there are more mechanical failures with a semi-truck than for most vehicles on the road. First, trucks typically see more mileage daily. Moreover, there is far more force necessary to operate an 18-wheeler. There is more force on the wheels, more force on the brakes, more force required from the steering components, and so much more. Who is at fault if there is a failure to maintain the brakes? What if a trucker rear-ends your vehicle, gets out of his truck, and says it is not his fault because his brakes did not work? In that scenario, there may be more than one party at fault. This is one of the trickier truck accidents caused in DC because it requires an expert witness. Our truck accident experts may testify that a truck needs maintenance every few weeks, but this truck did not have that. This would qualify as a breach of a duty owed. The question then will become who breached the duty.
We must determine whether the driver should have noticed the mistake in this scenario. Did he fail to check the maintenance log? If so, he is also liable for your injuries, even if he is not responsible for maintaining the brakes.
Note that brake failures are not the only truck accident causes in DC related to mechanical failures. Below is a list of other possible mechanical failures.
- Tire blowout
- Uncalibrated steering
- Engine failures
- Transmission issues
- Electrical system failures
- Suspension failures
- Exhaust System issues
- Fuel system issues
- Cooling system failures
Contact an Attorney
An attorney at Gelb & Gelb, P.C. can help you better understand the causes of truck accidents in DC and how best to avoid them. If you are in a DC truck accident, it is imperative to consult with a trusted attorney immediately for a free consultation. Call our office today at (202) 331-7227.