Role of a DC Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney
A jackknife truck accident can cause horrific damages, injuries, and even death. The truck is usually strewn across more than one lane, and it is a hazard for vehicles that are going on the highway either in the same direction or the opposite direction. Also, a jackknife tractor-trailer is often blocking a number of lanes on the highway, which creates a large backup. That large backup creates a hazard because there are a lot of vehicles that are stopping on the highway and when vehicles stop on the highway, other vehicles do not anticipate that stoppage which often creates an environment where rear-end collisions occur frequently.
If you were injured in a jackknife truck crash, you should seek help from Roger Gelb as soon as possible. A dedicated jackknife truck accident lawyer could determine the liable party and help you seek compensation for your damages.
Getting a Vehicle Repaired
It is very difficult in any personal injury case for a person to pursue an injury claim on their own. It is best to retain the services of a knowledgeable attorney. An experienced jackknife truck accident lawyer in Washington DC could assist claimants first by making sure their vehicle is taken care of. They could help make sure that the claimant is compensated for the property damage. If the vehicle is a total loss, making sure that the claimant is fully compensated for the loss of the vehicle.
Additionally, a lawyer could help the claimant recover loss of use reimbursement, which is rental car reimbursement, as well as making sure that if the vehicle is repaired, that there is a separate diminished value or diminished value claim. A lawyer could help the injured party is adequately compensated for all of the property damage related to the accident.
Coordinating Medical Treatment
A truck crash attorney could help coordinate treatment to make sure that the injured party is getting treatment from a convenient and experienced medical provider. The legal team helping the claimant could also help ensure that the medical bills will not be a problem while they are seeking treatment. A lawyer could sign an assignment form which will protect the balance of any charges out of any recovery, potential recovery, which normally would satisfy most medical providers that are treating injured claimants in an accident.
Determining the Worth of a Claim
Those who are unrepresented may not know the full value of their case and also would not know how to present their case to an injury adjuster. Those who are injured in jackknife truck crash may be entitled to a wide range of damages such as:
• Medical expenses relating to the crash
• Lost wages
• Property damage
• Lost earning capacity
• Loss of enjoyment of life
• Pain and suffering
• Loss of consortium
• Mental anguish
Many injured claimants can misunderstand the law, so it is best to seek help from a diligent attorney.
Seek Help From a Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer
A lawyer has a fiduciary responsibility to those they represent, which means that the claimants needs are ahead of theirs. It is imperative that anybody considering hiring an attorney speaks to one first before attempting to resolve a claim on their own. Schedule a consultation to learn about the role of a DC jackknife truck accident attorney and how the legal team at Gelb & Gelb P.C., could help you seek compensation for damages.