Highway DC Truck Accident Lawyer
Truck accident cases, with their immense size and weight difference compared to other vehicles on the road, are some of the most catastrophic personal injury cases we handle. The sheer magnitude of these accidents underscores the necessity of legal assistance. A seasoned highway DC truck accident lawyer from Gelb & Gelb, P.C. can lead you through the complexity of an accident case, including the property damage, insurance claim, and, if necessary, litigation. Here, we will discuss what distinguishes a highway accident case from your typical truck accident case in DC. The highways in DC are unique. They frequently contain heavy traffic congestion, making driving difficult for a fatigued truck driver.
Why Choose Gelb & Gelb
Our firm’s highway DC, truck accident lawyers, have been handling truck accident cases since our founding in 1954. Truck accident cases are more complex than the typical car accident case. Generally, a car accident case involves an interaction between two drivers’ insurance providers. If one driver does not have coverage, the victim may be entitled to an uninsured motorist claim. On the highway, the damages from a collision tend to be more significant. There tends to be more property damage and worse injuries. This makes the stakes higher and a more effective attorney even more necessary. The defendant may put up a bigger fight regarding liability. They may try anything to avoid higher insurance premiums, given how much money it will cost.
Do not let the defendant get away without covering your damages. They are not interested in the bills you must pay because of the accident, and your insurance company is not on your side either. By getting someone on your side who will fight for you, you can ensure your rights are protected, and you receive the compensation you deserve. Call a highway DC truck accident lawyer today for a free consultation.
Common Causes of Truck Accidents on DC Highways

There are countless causes of truck accidents on DC highways. Whether on I-495, I-66, I-70, I-95, or some other highway in Washington, D.C., you tend to see the same few common causes of truck accidents repeatedly.
Heavy Traffic
Heavy traffic is a common contributor to DC truck accidents. Truckers spend much of their days on highways. While it may not always be in the picturesque region of Washington, D.C., highways are nothing new and can lead to drivers not operating at full attention. One reason may be that a truck driver in heavy traffic looks around at the monuments. Or, they may be appreciating the other historic landmarks around DC. Whatever they are doing, heavy traffic presents an albeit limited opportunity for a driver to take their eyes off the road. And for a driver who is spending their entire day on the road, they may be looking for any excuse they can get.
Moreover, heavy traffic may mean stop-and-go traffic, which can be problematic for a truck. In these scenarios, stopping distance is a vital question. Does a heavy 18-wheeler have enough time to stop before hitting the car in front of it? While a lighter vehicle, like a sedan or a motorcycle, can stop relatively quickly, a heavy truck may need a couple of seconds to come to a complete stop. Even if their reaction time is faster, and even with advanced safety technology assisting a truck driver, stopping on a dime is impossible. This issue is exacerbated when a truck is driving at highway speeds.
If you are in a heavy traffic accident on the highway, contact a highway DC truck accident lawyer immediately.
Complex Road Layouts
Even to DC locals, the road layouts can be complex. When an out-of-town delivery truck driver, Uhaul driver, or any other trucker enters Washington, D.C., they may initially be confused by the layout of the highways. While understandable, this can lead to hesitation and mistakes behind the wheel. If a trucker swerves over to exit the highway, that can be highly dangerous for all other vehicles on the road. Trucks have blind spots. With such short notice, such as when a truck driver tries to exit at the last second, it is virtually impossible to check their blindspots thoroughly. Remember that a simple head check is impossible for truck drivers carrying cargo behind them. Semi-trucks do not even have rearview mirrors.
While advanced semi-trucks may have an automatic camera portraying the view behind the truck, these are rare, not as effective as an actual mirror, and still do not display the sides of the truck.
Driver Fatigue
Driver fatigue is yet another common cause of truck accidents on DC highways. While heavy traffic and complex road layouts are specific to certain times or locations on DC highways, driver fatigue can strike at any time. While it is most common at night, driver fatigue can just as quickly affect a truck driver in the early hours. If you have ever ordered overnight shipping, you have likely benefitted from the very thing that affects truck drivers daily. Truck drivers are a necessary component of our economy. Given the capitalistic nature of our economy, drivers are incentivized to work many hours each week and complete as many of their assigned tasks as possible. This may mean the trucker drives an extra 15 miles or whatever is necessary to complete their daily goal. At the same time, this is a perfect combination for driver fatigue.
Why is driver fatigue a problem? Despite regulations designed to limit truck drivers’ hours on the road, drivers are incentivized to drive as far as they can in a day. Fatigue can impair a driver’s reaction time, decision-making ability, and overall vehicle control. If you are in a truck accident and the driver gets out of the truck and complains of fatigue, you are not alone. Naturally, the driver would be admitting to having driven negligently. Once our highway DC truck accident lawyers establish liability, consider the value of your case and the compensation you should seek.
Seeking Compensation for Highway Truck Accidents
Compensation in a DC highway truck accident will depend on a few things once we have established liability. The first element to consider is damages. What damages have you suffered that were proximately caused by the truck accident? A court will consider your medical expenses, lost wages, and the pain you had to suffer because of your injuries. It would be best if you did not have to suffer pain from soreness, fractures, concussions, or anything else you may have sustained in the accident. Nor should you pay out of pocket for medical expenses or have your job performance suffer because a trucker behaved negligently.
A highway DC truck accident lawyer at Gelb & Gelb, P.C. will help you seek compensation for each of these damages. The second thing to consider is how much coverage is available. In the typical car accident case in DC, we may deal with the statutory minimum coverage amounts. However, in a DC highway truck accident, there is likely a more extensive insurance policy to cover your damages. Moreover, we may hold the trucking company vicariously liable via the doctrine of respondeat superior.
Contact an Attorney
Our highway DC truck accident lawyers regularly handle truck accident cases throughout Washington, D.C.. If a negligent trucker hurts you, call our office today at (202) 331-7227 for a free consultation.