Uhaul DC Truck Accident Lawyer
A Uhaul DC truck accident lawyer can help you navigate the complex maze of insurance claims you will face if you find yourself struck by a Uhaul truck. In our 70 years of practice handling truck accident cases in Washington, D.C., we have represented Uhaul truck drivers and drivers hit by Uhauls. The complexity in these cases lies in whose insurance is primary, whether there is coverage, and recovering compensation for your damages. We will address each of these common questions below.
The size and weight of a Uhaul truck varies depending on which vehicle the driver selected. Some Uhaul drivers are veterans and use Uhauls for work regularly. Meanwhile, other Uhaul drivers have never driven such a large vehicle. There is an argument to be made that Uhaul is negligent in renting out these trucks to drivers without training or experience. One may argue that a driver should need a specific license to operate such a large truck. Maneuvering these trucks is difficult, especially in the busy and narrower streets of downtown DC. An amateur truck driver may need to make wide turns, drive at night, maneuver through parking lots, icy roads, and blind spots.
There is also a distinguishable difference between a loaded and an unloaded Uhaul truck. A loaded truck of any kind may be slower to stop. These aspects of driving a Uhaul can be challenging to the uninitiated. Whether you are injured by a negligent Uhaul truck driver or while driving a Uhaul, immediately contact a Uhaul DC truck accident lawyer for a free consultation.
Who Can Be Liable in a U-Haul Truck Accident?
Liability is based on negligence in a Uhaul DC truck accident. If any party behaved negligently, and that act of negligence was the proximate cause of your injuries, then they are legally liable.
Uhaul itself may share liability in a Uhaul truck accident in DC. For example, if Uhaul rents out a truck to a person who does not have a valid driver’s license, and they were negligent in checking for a license, and that driver collides with your vehicle, causing you serious injury, there are multiple liable parties. In this scenario, the driver who hit you and Uhaul itself would each be jointly and severally liable. Uhaul would be vicariously liable for the negligence of its employee, who rented out a truck to a person without a license. While this is per se negligent, Uhaul is only liable if a couple of qualifications are met.
First, the employee must have been an actual employee acting within the course and scope of his employment in furtherance of Uhaul’s interests. Second, that driver must have crashed into you with the Uhaul truck. The fact that Uhaul rented out a truck to an unlicensed driver must be the proximate cause of your injuries. So, if the unlicensed Uhaul driver drove the Uhaul truck to a parking lot, got out of the truck, and battered you, Uhaul would not be liable. In this scenario, only the person who battered you would be liable.
The Uhaul Driver

If a negligent Uhaul driver injures you, contact a Uhaul DC truck accident lawyer. Our attorneys can prove negligence by the requisite standard and secure compensation for your injuries. When a UHaul driver fails to control their truck and crashes into you, injuring you, that driver is liable. We must prove each element of negligence to recover in this case. Then, the question becomes whose insurance coverage we must use. Note that every vehicle on the road is required to be insured. That does not mean that every car is insured. Many are not. However, the key is that they are supposed to be. If Uhaul were renting out trucks without insurance, they may become liable for your injuries. Accordingly, they work to ensure some coverage if a truck gets into an accident.
Whether the coverage is the driver’s car insurance coverage for a car at home that covers their Uhaul, or if they purchased coverage through Uhaul, there should be coverage. There is a better chance that a Uhaul has coverage than the average car because Uhaul should have checked for coverage before renting out the truck. If, for some reason, there is no coverage, you can also make an uninsured motorist claim. This may be easier to pursue if your damages are not substantial. However, it will depend on the facts of your case. For the best advice on your unique situation, speak to an experienced Uhaul DC truck accident lawyer.
Another Driver
If you are driving a Uhaul truck and need help with how to proceed, we have you covered. Our esteemed Uhaul DC truck accident lawyers have decades of experience making claims for Uhaul drivers. As an everyday driver whom a negligent Uhaul driver struck, you may be unsure how to recover compensation for your damages. Many Uhaul trucks are far larger than the typical car. Accordingly, your vehicle’s property damage and injuries may be severe. Upon consulting with a Uhaul DC truck accident lawyer, you will soon learn that you have several options for recovery. The primary insurance policy in this scenario will be that of the negligent driver. But what if he has missed his last two insurance payments and his coverage has lapsed? While that is illegal, and he may be ticketed, that does not help you pay your medical expenses or compensate you for your pain.
If there are no other negligent parties to recover from, you must make an uninsured motorist claim. This may be through insurance on your car at home or through insurance that you bought through Uhaul. Here is the catch. Regardless of whether you are at fault for your accident, Uhaul will demand you pay them immediately for the property damage to your truck. If you bought insurance through them, you may only have to pay a $500 deductible, which will eventually be reimbursed through subrogation because you did not cause the accident. However, if you did not buy insurance through Uhaul, you may have to pay out of pocket for the property damage to your vehicle. You should still eventually be reimbursed, but it will be a longer process.
Steps to Take Following a Uhaul Accident in DC
Our Uhaul DC truck accident lawyers recommend three simple steps immediately after a Uhaul truck accident.
- Seek medical attention if necessary. This is always going to be the most important thing you can do. Whether you were driving the Uhaul or hit by a Uhaul, if you are seriously injured, that takes priority.
- Document the scene. If you were driving a Uhaul truck, they may want you to take pictures and upload them to their app. Our advice is likely the same regardless of what they wish to do. Take photos of the property damage to your truck and each vehicle involved in the accident. Take a picture of the street and anything else you deem appropriate and relevant. Exchange contact information and insurance information with the other drivers involved.
- Speak to a Uhaul DC truck accident lawyer immediately.
Contact Our Office
Our Uhaul DC truck accident lawyers are eager to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Navigating this complex maze can be challenging. Do not go through it alone. Call our office today for a free consultation at (202) 331-7227.