Washington DC Premises Liability Lawyer
When you stay at a hotel, eat at a restaurant, or shop at your local grocery store, you can expect that you will be safe at those places. Property owners must exercise reasonable care to keep those who are lawfully on their property safe. If you are injured on property belonging to other people or entities, you may seek relief with the help of a Washington, D.C. premises liability lawyer.
Many accidents that take place on the property of others are entirely preventable. If the property owner had adequately inspected and remedied any dangerous conditions or warned the public of the potential danger, you or your loved one may not have sustained injuries. An experienced personal injury lawyer at Gelb & Gelb, P.C., could be crucial in helping you file a claim against the parties responsible for your accident.
Property Owners and the Duty of Reasonable Care
The degree of reasonable care that property owners owe others who come on their property depends on the status of the people involved or the capacity in which they are present on the property. These individuals include business invitees, licensees, and trespassers. Regardless of the situation, however, a local premises liability lawyer may help.
Business Invitees
Business invitees include customers and those who enter the property to conduct business. Property owners owe these individuals the highest duty of care, as they stand to profit from the individuals coming to their property. As a result, property owners must affirmatively seek out and address any dangerous conditions.
Licensees primarily are social guests and others who enter private property with permission. This group would include both guests at a neighborhood barbecue and mail carriers. When it comes to licensees, property owners are responsible only for addressing hazards that they knew or reasonably should have known existed.
Since trespassers have no consent to be on the property of others, property owners need only refrain from intentionally injuring them. The one exception is for child trespassers. Some property conditions are particularly attractive to children, such as swimming pools, swing sets, and trampolines. Property owners must secure their premises to prevent child trespassers and keep them safe from harm.
Types of Premises Liability Claims
Premises liability claims may arise in various situations. Some common grounds for premises liability claims may include:
- Slips and falls as a results of uneven flooring or spills
- Assaults in poorly-lit parking lots or those with no security measures
- Injuries due to unsafe facilities at gyms, ski resorts, or other recreational facilities
- Accidents at worksites due to contractors, management, and site owners not taking adequate safety precautions or maintaining a safe worksite
Accidents on private property involving swimming pools and trampolines primarily affect children who suffer injuries. Visits to the homes or yards of others may lead to dog bites or attacks, which can cause significant injuries. Any of these situations may necessitate the intervention of a premises liability attorney in Washington, D.C., to adequately protect the legal rights of the injury victims.
If reasonable care by a landowner likely would have prevented an accident that led to injuries, the landowner can face liability in a premises liability claim. Even if the property owner had not remedied the problem, property owners must warn others of the potential hazard. A failure to do so can lead to liability.
Contact a Washington, D.C. Premises Liability Attorney for Advice
If you have suffered injuries in a preventable accident while on property belonging to others, you may have a valid premises liability claim under state law. You may be entitled to compensation from the responsible parties for various items, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. A Washington, D.C. premises liability lawyer at Gelb & Gelb, P.C., may assess your situation and determine whether you have a viable claim for damages.
When you enter the property of others, you have a reasonable expectation of safety in your surroundings. If you do suffer injuries, you may have legal recourse. Understand your rights and explore your options with the assistance of Roger Gelb today. Call today.