Broken Bones in a Maryland Car Accident
Broken bones in a Maryland car accident occur daily. As seasoned Maryland car accident lawyers, we have seen all types of fractures. Car accidents continue to be an unavoidable reality in Maryland. Even if you drive carefully on the road, there is never a guarantee that other drivers will. Accordingly, it is prudent to drive defensively and anticipate negligent behavior by other drivers. Whether driving alone, with friends, or with family, people rely on you to stay safe. However, you need more time to avoid a collision at certain speeds. Moreover, these high speeds carry the most drastic consequences. While broken bones are not the worst result possible in a Maryland car accident case, they are a frequent occurrence. This discussion highlights some common broken bones and available treatment options.
Understanding the types of broken bones in Maryland car accidents provides crucial insights into the severity of sustainable injuries. By thoroughly understanding the seriousness of each common type of shattered bone, you may realize the necessity of proper treatment. Many do not want to follow through with medical treatment after a severe car accident. You may think that it is too expensive or too time-consuming. Further, your employer may not allow you to miss time from work even to get medical treatment. As Maryland car accident attorneys, we are here to guide you through this process. We have faced each of these questions thousands of times before in our 70 years of practicing in Maryland. If you have any questions regarding broken bones in Maryland accidents or the viability of your claim, contact our office for a free consultation.
Types of Broken Bones in Maryland Car Accidents
In a Maryland car accident, you may suffer from any number of broken bones. Below, we discuss the two most common types of broken bones in a simple versus common fracture. Then, we address the most common bones car accident victims break in Maryland.
Simple Fractures
A simple fracture is a typical break in a Maryland car accident. This is also known as a closed fracture. A simple fracture is a break of a bone that does not pierce the skin. That is why it is considered simple. If the bone does pierce the skin, it can be more challenging to heal and treat. As we will discuss, a compound fracture where the bone does penetrate the skin carries additional risks that require treatment by a doctor. However, do not mistake a simple fracture for one that is not painful or a complete break. A simple fracture can still involve multiple bones and complete breaks. Recovery time for these fractures can still take months.
Compound Fractures
Compound fractures are among the most common broken bones in a Maryland car accident. As alluded to, a compound fracture involves the bone piercing through the skin. Accordingly, while the fracture of the bone itself may not be as severe as in a simple fracture, though it can be, the complication of the bone being visible makes recovery more complex. Characteristics of a compound fracture include visibility of the bone, damage to your skin, and soft tissue damage. So, why is a compound fracture so much more complex?
The risks associated with compound fractures compound the issues you will face. First, you run the risk of infection. The open wound will likely stay open for an extended period. If you get infected around the fracture site, treating the infection can be more complex than usual. Second, you run the risk of blood loss. A severe loss of blood can be life-threatening. This requires rapid medical intervention. This can be dangerous if you are on the highway in rural Maryland. You may be far away from paramedics or the nearest hospital. Moreover, the complications of your protruding bone make stopping the blood more difficult.
Broken Ribs
Now that we understand the two most common types of fractures, we can explore the most common broken bones in a Maryland car accident. Anyone who has suffered a fractured rib, regardless of the circumstances, can attest to the physical pain and discomfort associated with the injury. Any movement, such as breathing or coughing, can be excruciating. What is worse is that both of these actions are involuntary. Accordingly, as long as you suffer from the injury, you will be in pain. Someone with a broken rib may suffer a sharp pain when taking deep breaths. So, how does a fractured rib happen in a car accident?
A direct blow to the chest or abdominal region from the steering wheel, dashboard, or seat belt during a collision is the most common source of a broken rib. Even if the airbag deploys, while it can save your life, it can also fracture bones in your face or ribs. Here is a list of risks associated with broken ribs:
- Pneumothorax: This is when a fractured rib punctures a lung.
- Hemothorax: This is an accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity. This is a severe and life-threatening condition.
- Damage to Internal Organs
Broken Wrist
It is common for a broken wrist to be among the broken bones in a Maryland car accident. Humans injure our wrists while trying to brace ourselves against impact. If you are in a car accident and anticipate the collision, it is customary to tense up and brace for impact. It has been shown that this only increases your chances of injury and even fatality. When you know an impact is inevitable and trying to avoid the accident would serve no material purpose, try not to tense up. By doing so, you may help your chances of breaking your wrist.
Broken Leg
The femur is a typical broken bone in a Maryland car accident. Despite the frequency with which this break occurs, it is the largest, densest, and strongest bone in our bodies. However, the sheer force involved in a car accident frequently overpowers the bone, causing it to break.
Treatment Options for Broken Bones

The steps you should take for medical treatment for your broken bones from a Maryland car accident will depend on the bone you break and the severity of your fracture. Ultimately, you should seek advice from your medical professional on how to recover from your injury. Here, we broadly discuss the most common treatment options you may utilize to get back to normal following your accident.
- Immobilization
- Pain Management
- Surgery
- Internal Fixation
- External Fixation
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Bone Grafting
- Electrical Stimulation
- Monitor your Progress and Check in with your Attorney
Contact an Attorney
The Maryland car accident lawyers at Gelb & Gelb have been practicing injury law in Maryland since our founding in 1954. Broken bones in a Maryland car accident are not something to take lightly. Do not neglect treatment for your injuries. Make your best effort to recover fully, and we will fight to get you the compensation you deserve from the liable tortfeasor.
If you have any questions regarding broken bones in car accidents or the viability of your claim, contact our office. We offer free consultations at (202) 331-7227.