

  • What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Handle?
    What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Handle?
    If you are in the market for legal representation, you may ask yourself, "What does a personal injury lawyer handle?" When you picture what a personal injury attorney does, you might imagine a sharply dressed lawyer speaking to a jury, advocating on behalf of his client. That is an integral part of the role. However, about 95% of personal injury
  • What Percentage do Most Personal Injury Lawyers Take?
    What Percentage do Most Personal Injury Lawyers Take?
    When pursuing a personal injury claim, one of the first questions you may have is, "What percentage do most personal injury lawyers take?" People require the services of personal injury lawyers every day. However, the thought of paying expensive legal fees can be daunting. At Gelb & Gelb, we believe that high legal fees should not deter or hinder obtaining
  • Do I Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident?
    Do I Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident?
    Do you need a lawyer after your car accident? There are times when you do and times when you do not. Here, we discuss clear instances where you do need an attorney to guide you through the process and when a lawyer is actually unnecessary. This is a common question people wonder after an accident. You may believe you can
  • Comprehensive Guide to Bicycle Hand Signals
    Comprehensive Guide to Bicycle Hand Signals
    Riding a bicycle in Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, or anywhere else in the United States can be a thrilling combination of great exercise and an effective way to circumvent traffic. Even so, riding a bicycle is not always safe. Unlike a car or truck, bicyclists are not protected by a steel frame, airbags, seat belts, or other standard
  • Who is the Best Personal Injury Lawyer?
    Who is the Best Personal Injury Lawyer?
    With so many options available, it’s natural to wonder: who is the best personal injury lawyer? The answer to this question depends on various factors, including experience, success rate, client satisfaction, and more. Of course, we cannot declare that one attorney or law firm is better than another due to an inherent bias. One thing worth pointing out is that
  • Should I File A Personal Injury Lawsuit For A Minor Injury?
    Should I File A Personal Injury Lawsuit For A Minor Injury?
    After an accident, it is common to downplay the severity of your injuries, especially if they appear minor at first glance. In fact, many individuals may initially proclaim that they are fine, to realize later how sore they are. This is due to a variety of reasons. First, you likely will receive a jolt of adrenaline after an accident. Adrenaline
  • How Does a Personal Injury Settlement Affect Medicaid Benefits?
    How Does a Personal Injury Settlement Affect Medicaid Benefits?
    If you are on Medicaid in Washington, DC, you should be aware of how a recovery in a personal injury case can affect your benefits. The purpose of Medicaid is to provide healthcare coverage to lower-income individuals. The program aims to ensure eligible individuals access necessary healthcare, including doctor visits, hospital stays, long-term medical care, and preventive services. This is
  • What Personal Injuries Require Surgery?
    What Personal Injuries Require Surgery?
    Whether your injuries require surgery has drastic implications on your personal injury case. The decision of if you need surgery is between you and your doctor. As personal injury lawyers at Gelb & Gelb, our job is to get you as much compensation as possible if you require surgery. We represent clients who require surgery for injuries from car accidents,