

  • Is it Illegal to Drive Barefoot in DC?
    Is it Illegal to Drive Barefoot in DC?
    Part A of the Traffic Act of 1925, Chapter 22, governs the regulation of traffic in Washington, D.C. Subchapter 1 governs general provisions for this chapter. This is a long and detailed subchapter of the statute. Firstly, it discusses rules that are foundational for traffic regulation in DC. This includes definitions and the scope of various terms such as vehicles,
  • Legal Term Breakdown: Part Two
    Legal Term Breakdown: Part Two
    The legal landscape is daunting for those who have never been through it before. Our DC car accident lawyers quickly ensure you feel confident throughout the process. When you have a question, we encourage you to contact us so we can immediately put your mind at ease. While our attorneys will put the concepts and advice into words that are
  • Analysis of Vision Zero: DC Car Accidents
    Analysis of Vision Zero: DC Car Accidents
    The Vision Zero initiative was launched in 2014 to create a safer Washington, D.C. The program, spearheaded by Mayor Muriel Bowser, aims to have zero fatalities or serious injuries on our roadways. The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) has been assigned this task, but over 25 agencies have played some role in its execution. This program has five prongs. Safe
  • A Comprehensive Guide for Personal Injury Victims
    A Comprehensive Guide for Personal Injury Victims
    A comprehensive guide for personal injury victims should be a reference for maximizing your personal injury settlement and in no way acts to replace a lawyer's counsel. As Washington, D.C., and Maryland personal injury lawyers for 70 years, we have represented over 10,000 victims of negligent and intentional conduct. During this time, we have observed an evolution in how insurance
  • The Importance of Safe Driving
    The Importance of Safe Driving
    The following excerpt is from Sarah Graham, our 2024 Behind The Wheel Scholarship winner. Thank you to Sarah for sharing this inspiring story. One thing I hold dear to me is my knowledge and passion for safe driving. As teenagers, many people believe we are reckless drivers who text and drink while driving because of the rebellious personalities that teens
  • Must I Go To Trial For My Personal Injury?
    Must I Go To Trial For My Personal Injury?
    In our 70 years of practicing personal injury law in Washington, D.C., and Maryland, we are often asked about the likelihood of going to trial. Only 3% of personal injury cases make it to trial. That statistic should immediately tell you that you will likely not have to go to court to get the compensation you deserve. But there are
  • Do Personal Injury Victims Exaggerate?
    Do Personal Injury Victims Exaggerate?
    The general public holds a misconception. When some think of a personal injury lawsuit, they think of a money grab. They see a get-rich-quick scheme that can absolve them of a mountain of debt. When I was an undergrad at Penn State, there was a running joke on campus that if a bus owned by the school hit you, you
  • Legal Term Breakdown
    Legal Term Breakdown
    A barrier that inhibits countless injury victims from reaching out to a personal injury lawyer is the unknown. There is so much unknown about the process -  that can be intimidating. At Gelb & Gelb, we welcome questions. This blog post aims to provide some basic information that will give you the framework to confront your legal challenges. List of