Rear-End Truck Accident in DC

Rear-end truck accidents in DC happen on an unfortunate regular basis. More often than not, a rear-end accident’s liability is self-explanatory. All drivers, whether they are driving a truck or a motorcycle, have a duty to maintain control of their vehicle. They also have a duty to operate their vehicle as a reasonably prudent person in similar circumstances. The duty of a truck driver is arguably higher. A professional must behave as an average member in good standing of the profession. If you fail to stop your truck before colliding with a vehicle in front of you, or if the truck behind you fails to stop before hitting your vehicle, that driver is likely negligent. But of course, there are a few exceptions we will discuss.

A rear-end accident causes the same set of injuries. When your vehicle is struck from behind, victims tend to get whiplash. Your truck will receive a sudden jolt forward, propelling your truck forward while jolting your head backward. Your head feels like it is going backward but staying still while the car moves forward. Nonetheless, the net effect is your head slams into the headrest behind you, and you will likely wake up with painful neck soreness. It is expected to feel soreness in your lower back because of this accident. You may be entitled to damages if you are hurt by a rear-end truck accident in DC. We may be able to settle your case via an insurance claim or, if necessary, litigate your case at trial.

Causes of Rear-End Truck Accidents in DC

There are an endless number of causes of rear-end truck accidents. The causes we focus on here are specific to trucking cases and the most common types we encounter in our practice.

Driver Fatigue

Truck driver fatigue is a constant issue for drivers who spend hours a day on the road. While many truckers love the opportunity to drive the open roads, traffic, and congestion can be challenging to overcome on other days. On some of those slower days, or even on days where a driver needs to make up for lost time, driver fatigue can set in. But when a driver is tired, the results can be catastrophic. A fatigued driver may not react to a road hazard in time. A delayed reaction time is the most significant cause of rear-end truck accidents in DC. The four most common causes listed here are merely derivatives of the root problem of a delayed reaction.

While truckers are subject to federal regulations governing interstate commerce and restricting the number of hours a trucker may drive consecutively, driver fatigue can still set in. Those regulations cannot account for the number of hours a driver got of sleep the night before or the lack of caffeine so far that day.

Heavy Traffic

Heavy traffic is a constant contributor to rear-end truck accidents in DC. Accidents are more straightforward to avoid when there is a continuous and predictable traffic flow. However, with heavy, stop-and-go traffic, you may see vehicles speeding up and braking hard at random intervals. This can be unpredictable. Further, stop-and-go traffic can be challenging for a trucker. A seasoned trucker will only accelerate a little when other drivers do. That way, they do not have to slam on their brakes to come to a quick stop.

Heavy traffic can be wildly unpredictable when hills obstruct your view. For example, a truck driver may drive down the highway at 55 miles per hour. When the truck driver goes over the hill, it may be too late to stop for heavy traffic that is not moving. That is one scenario where a rear-end truck accident in DC may occur.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving frequently leads to rear-end truck accidents in DC. Even if you stay in your lane while distracted, you will likely not notice sudden obstructions in the road ahead. You may veer into a lane next to yours or have your eyes off the road ahead. Either version of events is plausible, and either one can lead to a rear-end accident.

The danger of distracted driving is that it takes your eyes and attention off the road. It is estimated that reading or sending a message takes five seconds. While it may feel innocent or there are no other cars around, enough can happen in five seconds to make it not worth the risk.


Speeding is yet another cause of rear-end accidents. While this is a cause for all vehicle types, it is particularly applicable to trucks. Trucks take longer to stop than smaller, lighter cars. While the brakes are more potent, stopping still takes more time in a semi-truck due to the weight moving the truck forward.

Legal Rights After a Rear-End Truck Accident

After a rear-end truck accident, you have the right to seek compensation so long as we can prove liability by the defendant. We must first prove the defendant acted negligently or intentionally in the behavior that caused the accident. We would need an eyewitness or a camera recording the action behind your truck to prove intentional conduct. Otherwise, the property damage to your truck may be indistinguishable from negligence. However, evidence of multiple rear-end collisions from the same truck may indicate that the defendant acted intentionally. If we can prove intentional conduct, you may be entitled to more compensation than for mere negligence.

If not, we will pursue a negligence cause of action. In a negligence cause of action, you may be entitled to recover for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. There are specific caveats that tie into each of these categories of damages. Our DC truck accident attorneys can work with you to prove each element of your damages. Note that even if we prove liability, there is no presumption of damages. We must prove that you suffered damages, that the damages are causally related to your truck accident, and more depending on the facts of your case.

Potential Complications in Rear-End Truck Accident Claims

Like in any truck accident case, you may encounter many potential complications. However, the most common complication our clients experience is the defendant will blame our client by claiming that our client cut in front of them. We have ways to prove this is not the case. Of course, if you did cut in front of the defendant, proving otherwise will be difficult. But if you are the victim of the other driver’s negligence in a rear-end truck accident in DC, our skilled attorneys will fight to ensure you win the compensation you deserve.

Beyond the potential liability complications, you may also encounter problems valuing the damages in your case. Our skilled team of attorneys has extensive experience valuing cases. Call our office today to better understand the value of your case.

Consult With an Attorney

The attorneys at Gelb & Gelb, P.C. have handled rear-end truck accidents in DC for 70 years. Since our founding in 1954, we have handled over 10,000 injury cases for clients and have recovered over $150,000,000.

If you are injured and have any questions regarding your legal rights, call our office today for a free consultation. Our office is open 24/7 to address your legal questions at (202) 331-7227.