Jackknife Truck Accidents in Upper Marlboro

Any vehicle accident can cause immense harm to the people involved. However, wrecks including commercial trucks such as tractor-trailers can significantly amplify the damage. If you were in a jackknife truck accident in Upper Marlboro,  you might find yourself with severe injuries and massive medical bills.

Furthermore, collisions involving commercial vehicles present complex legal challenges and often include powerful insurance companies and lawyers. Obtaining a diligent 18-wheeler crash attorney from Gelb & Gelb, P.C. can drastically improve your claim’s likelihood of success. Roger Gelb could make sure your claim gets the attention it deserves and that you have every chance at receiving compensation for your losses.

What Occurs in a Jackknifing Trailer Wreck ?

The term “jackknifing” applies around the vehicle’s cab and trailer facing different directions at the connecting hitch. For illustration, the trailer forms an “L” or “V” shape configuration with the cab, similar to a foldable knife.

While negligence is often a factor, many other conditions can lead to a semi-truck jackknifing. Mechanical failure, dangerous road conditions, and negligence by other motorists can also lead to these types of incidents. An attorney with experience handling jackknifing incidents in Upper Marlboro could preserve evidence and determine who is responsible.

Compensation in Upper Marlboro Jacknknifed Rig Crash Injuries

Parties injured in jackknifing wrecks could recover compensation under two forms: economic and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

Under Maryland Code, Courts and Judicial Proceedings § 11-109, economic damages cover any medical expenses or loss of earnings resulting from the accident. An injured party may recover damages for their past and future earnings and medical expenses in addition to other damages.

Non-Economic Damages

Furthermore, Upper Marlobor provides non-economic damages. Under Md. Code, Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 11-108, non-economic damages include an injured person’s physical pain, mental and emotional suffering, disfigurement, impairment, loss of consortium, and additional non-financial injuries.

Time Limitations on Jackknifed Semi Collision Claims

The length of time you have to start your jacknifed 18-wheeler crash claim and file a formal lawsuit in Upper Marlboro is limited by law. The legal term for this deadline is “statute of limitations.” In most cases, an injured party has three years from the date of the wreck to file a personal injury claim.

There are exceptional circumstances in some jackknifing accidents which may warrant pausing or extending the statute of limitations. However, understanding if these exceptions may apply and convincing the court to consider any unique circumstances may benefit from the support of a well-versed big rig accident attorney.

Get Help With Your Upper Marlboro Jackknifing Accident Today

In cases involving jackknife truck accidents in Upper Marlboro, injuries are often severe, if not life-threatening. The costs of treatment, physical rehabilitation, and lost time at work should not be a burden you have to shoulder alone.

Discussing your jackknifing wreck with an experienced attorney is a simple step that allows you to understand the merits of your claim and how best to proceed. Call Gelb & Gelb, P.C. today and schedule a consultation to begin the legal process.