Gelb & Gelb, P.C. is proud to accept referrals from other attorneys. If referring counsel would like to stay involved in the case (share responsibility), Gelb & Gelb, P.C. and attorney Roger K. Gelb, will share the fee with the referring lawyer, as allowed by the Rules of Professional Responsibility in all local jurisdictions. More specifically, Rule 1.5 of the District of Columbia Rules allows a receiving firm to share the legal fee with a referring lawyer, as long as the fee sharing agreement is spelled out in writing, and consented to by the client. Gelb & Gelb, P.C. shall be solely responsible for prosecuting the case, and advancing all costs, but both firms will “assume joint responsibility” as required by Rule 1.5 in Washington, D.C. and Rule 1.5(e) in Maryland. Sharing the fee between two or more firms, has no affect on the overall fee charged to the client. The amount shared depends on how the work and/or the responsibility is divided. For more information, please call attorney Roger K. Gelb directly.